Being a Partner with TTOR Produces Great Results.
“Now [remember] this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows generously [that blessings may come to others] will also reap generously [and be blessed]” 2 Corinthians 9:6 AMP.
The Temple of Restoration is good and fertile soil for those who desire to be sowers. It is the kind of soil that promotes growth and produces bountiful harvests. Thousands of people have experienced positive changes in their lives as a result of being obedient to the Lord and becoming partners with this ministry that has been raised up by the Lord for this end-time harvest.We strongly believe the hundredfold harvest for those who are partners in this ministry. We take great pleasure in being faithful to and extremely serious about our responsibility to see that this ministry remains committed to its calling: to go into all the world and spread the gospel to all creation. This is done through our daily walk of faith and being in total obedience to the Word of God. Here at TTOR, we value the commitment of every partner; and every seed sown in this ministry is considered holy.
Your seeds not only open doors for your life, but they also strengthen our wings as we fly to deliver this great gospel of our Lord throughout the world. We are destined for great crusades in many different countries and to also plant deeply rooted churches in many cities and countries. Another great part of this ministry is the broadcasting of anointed television and radio programs and the distribution of spiritually uplifting literature. In addition, TTOR reaches out and touches lives on a weekly basis through our ministries to the elderly people in nursing homes, rehab centers, homeless shelters and correctional institutions. So if God is leading you to enter into partnership with TTOR to sow your seed on a monthly basis, I assure you that your faithful partnership will produce great results in your life and the lives of the countless number of people who are being impacted with this glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.
In taking this step of faith, you first must understand what a partnership is. It is a relationship or a bond between two people who share a common goal or objective and have joined forces and resources in order to reach their goals and achieve their objectives. It is through partnership that you can share in the goal of this ministry to reach the world with the gospel. By joining forces of faith and uniting your resources with ours, together we will fulfill this great commitment. Your decision to become a partner should be taken very seriously.
We believe this partnership is a divine bond established by God to fulfill His purpose.

Bishop Angelo Barbosa
Senior Pastor
Here is my very special monthly seed of faith to help spread the gospel throughout the world.
Monthly Partnership
- Furnish you with a Welcome Partnership Kit
- Pray daily for God’s blessings to be on your life
- Study and diligently seek the Word of God
- Give you a quarterly devotional book “Daily Word”
- Periodically offer special gifts for your spiritual edification, growth, and enjoyment
- Provide quality customer service and products
- Be good stewards and operate with integrity and excellence
- Always pray for all Bishops, Pastors, their families and The Temple of Restoration Ministry
- If possible, visit one of our locations
- Keep in touch with us during the year
- Actively strive to recruit new partners
- Support us financially with your generous monthly donation as God directs you in 2 Corinthians 9:6
Immediately upon signing up as a Gospel Wings Covenant Partner, we will mail you a welcome letter.
Within three (3) weeks of signing up and making your first payment, you will receive a Welcome Partnership Kit that includes a certificate stating you are a Gospel Wings Covenant Partner with The Temple of Restoration Ministry.
NOTE: Just making a donation does not make you a partner. You must also complete and submit the partnership form.
“Since becoming a Gospel Wing Covenant Partner and reading my TTOR Daily Devotional along with my Bible in the mornings at home and at work, I find that I am more focused spiritually. I am growing in all areas of my life, and I am more motivated and inspired to seek God. The word is so rich! I receive revelations and clarity from reading my daily devotional. I cannot get enough of it. Thank you, Bishop Angelo Barbosa, for this power life changing inspirational Daily Devotional; it has been a tremendous blessing to my life.”